Be Loving and Benevolent - Gift of Water. Confiscate “Weapons” - Gain one Alien, end of scenario. Inject and Preserve - Gain one Alien, end of scenario. Catch Alive - Gain one Alien, end of scenario. Take Artifacts - Gain a Space Rock, ship may crash upon landing. Land Near Jungle - Little Blue Critters… With Teeth!. Land Near Ruins - Ruins of an Alien Civilization. Rescue the Pilot - Gain Upgrade Parts, end of scenario. Tow the Whole Ship - End of scenario, may destroy ship if not upgraded gain one Alien if upgraded. If this happens, try out a different sim with few Rocket Science levels to get back to those scenarios.Ī destroyed ship in "The Sims 4." Choose poorly when exploring space and your rocket may wind up like this. Some scenarios - for example, Space Madness?! - seem to stop appearing after your astronaut gains enough Rocket Science skill levels. Any entries in italics lead to another subtitle, typically further down the list (though sometimes looped back, if multiple options lead to one outcome).
The outcome of those options is listed beside the text from the game. (I’ve tried to make progression logical, but in some cases, you’ll just have to skim down until you find the next subtitle in the sequence.) Follow the subtitles to discover what will happen if you commit to certain paths. As you progress through a scenario, you may be presented with options that take you to yet more options, each with their own title.
This is the first named text box you’ll encounter, and, thus, is the name of the scenario for this article’s purposes. There are a ridiculous number of variables at play here, so compiling a complete list may take a while. Below is an in-progress compilation of the scenarios you may encounter while flitting about in space.